
Stage Flash SS12 Vieira do Minho 2

22 maio 2021


“It’s a bit more rough than the morning. We have a mixed tyre choice like the other top

drivers. But we are so far from the podium. It is a long way back.” 



Hyundai opted to retire the car from the afternoon’s loop to enable the mechanics to work

on chassis damage before the car is shipped to Sardinia. Neuville will then take his place

at the start on Sunday and try and win the Wolf Power Stage. “Obviously there are still

little issues to solve after the crash from yesterday. The guys worked hard overnight but

we still have some small issues with us. The car was difficult to drive and we need to

investigate now. It doesn’t change a lot.” 


Car 33.     EVANS/MARTIN

“The feeling is okay. Mixed tyres on the car. I tried to be as fast and clean as possible.” 



“The stages are a bit rough. This will keep us awake. It was a clean run. That is all what

we need at the moment.” 



“The balance is okay on the second loop. I don’t struggle with the car so much on the

second loop. There is still some cleaning. The lines are not clear.” 



“It’s okay, nothing special. I was not so confident in this one. I took this one easy. The

next and Amarante, I try to take a good time again.” 



Opted for four soft tyres. “We chose, honestly, opening the road using less the tyres so

we use a soft tyre choice. Let’s see if it works or us. It’s experience, interesting and,

compared to this morning, we are happy.”



“We decided to take a bit of a gamble but I do believe I can make it work. It’s going to plan

so far. I am trying.” 


Car 6.       SORDO/ROZADA

“Putting in the maximum. At one time I was thinking I was punctured, but we are okay.”


Car 22.     LAPPI/FERM

“Clearly some sections are drier than the morning and some are more rapid. Some more

bedrock, nothing crazy, a few loose rocks, but fine.” 



“It’s okay. It’s getting crazy now, incredibly rough and a matter of who gets through

without problems.” 



Fastest time in WRC2. “Not bad now. It helps when you know the road. You can go as

fast as the others. As long as the tyres are fine I am happy. The car can tackle it.”

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