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Stage Flash - SS15 Amarante 2

20 maio 2017

Car 1, Ogier/Ingrassia
“Yeah, it’s not bad. We’re happy with that. Ion this one I didn’t push hard because it was a bit rough at the end. I think I managed to tyres too much. I’m happy with the gap I have tonight. Tomorrow we have to finish the job. We still have to push until the end. We’ll have to enjoy it in Fafe. I hope I can’t be caught!” 

Car 2, Tanak/Jarveoja
“Same, clean as the previous runs. The car is feeling good, but I’m not pushing so much. I’m happy with the afternoon loop. Just trying to enjoy it and have a good run.” 

Car 3, Evans/Barritt
“Not particularly happy. The mistake on the morning loop wasn’t what we wanted. It was okay until we had that issue. But overall it was tough day. The car feels better now, but the grip has been low all the way through.” 

Car 5, Neuville/Gilsoul
“It was an okay stage for me. Had two hard tyres on the front and soft on the rear. We had some slides. We’ll have to see how Ogier did. How his tyres are, and if he’s done better than us.” 

Car 6, Sordo/Marti
“I didn’t hit anything, I promise you. I don’t know why the car is like this. (bent left rear axle)” 

Car 7, Meeke/Nagle
“We were quite good on these stages last year, but this year not so good. Lacking a bit of confidence maybe.” 

Car 8, Breen/Martin
“We didn’t end up with the tyre package we wanted. The ones on the rear are completely dead. On the tarmac bit I had a spin. I thought the package was perfect, but it wasn’t right. It’s been a tough day.” 

Car 9, Lefebvre/Moreau
“There was a lot of dust on this one. I cleaned the road. It was okay. The afternoon was better. It’s very good for my confidence. It’s different compared to yesterday.” 

Car 10, Latvala/Anttila
“The feeling has been getting better and better over the day. But I’m not 100%. But we have improved the car for the second passes, suspension work, so the guys have done really good work. The car is flying well.” 

Car 11, Hanninen/Lindstrom
“I don’t know what happened [to Lappi]. It was nice of them to let us pass.” 

Car 12, Lappi/Ferm
“I was on loose gravel, really didn’t stay on the line and went off. I hit a wall and that was it.” 

Car 14, Ostberg/Floene
“It was a challenging afternoon. We had to mix a lot with the tyres. But I didn’t feel confident to be honest. I felt the difference was different in my tyres, I had a mixed package. It was hard to get a balance in the car, had understeer and oversteer in different places.” 

Car 15, Al Qassimi/Patterson
“We started with a very hard setup this morning. It’s been very difficult being first car on the road. The last two stages were hard on the car. We had to drive more carefully.” 

Car 21, Prokop/Tománek
“No problem on this one. It was clean. No problems like yesterday. A very nice stage for us. This stage wasn’t rough, just the last part was a bit rocky.” 

Car 23, Raoux/Escartefigue
“We had a puncture in the stage on the front right, so we had to stop and change it. It was not easy. Then we were behind Andreas and there was a lot of dust. I touched a stone in the braking point and I could do nothing.” 

Car 31, Mikkelsen/Synnevaag
“This stage is not so rough. I’m not sure where the others did their mistakes, The last 6 or 7km was quite rough, but it was good clean stage. I can’t wait for tomorrow’s stages. The new stages will be a challenge for everyone.” 

Car 32, Tidemund/Andersson
“We had a puncture and had to stop and change. We’ve had a good rally though, it’s really good to drive. It’s been a bit too soft in place for the tyres. For sure we need to be on the pace because the others won’t give up.” 

Car 34, Suninen/Markkula
“I got a puncture. There was a big, big stone in the line. There was nothing we could do. That’s rally. We need to focus on the racing. It’s always bad when drivers have bad luck.” 

Car 41, Gilbert/Jamoul
“We’re quite happy about our day. A good choice of tyres. We’re there, we’ve done Saturday.” 

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