JDF 6344

Stage Flash - SS18 Montim

21 maio 2017

Car 1, Ogier/Ingrassia
“We will have a last push in the Power Stage. I don't need the win but I would like the extra points if I can. But I will not risk it all as a victory here would feel really good.” 

Car 2, Tanak/Jarveoja
“The morning was OK. A bit boring but nothing special. It has been nothing special – in the morning, we maintained the gap to Breen and this last one, we saved the tyres for the Power Stage. We are close [to Ogier] but we need to improve a bit more.” 

Car 5, Neuville/Gilsoul
“The stage was Ok. I tried to avoid using too much of the tyres. I am focusing on the Power Stage and try to get important points for the team.” 

Car 6, Sordo/Marti
“The stage was good – the time was not so bad but we were a bit slow, to keep the tyres. The gap to Tanak is quite big, so I think it is important to finish. The first one, Ott started really fast and I had a bit of a scare so I push a bit more. Now I think the Power Stage we need to manage and et the finish.” 

Car 8, Breen/Martin
“[SM] It’s not the feeling we had on Friday but we know what we need to do – get to the end and a solid fifth place. The team worked hard. On Friday, everything clicked. The pace notes were working well and it all came together. Since then, we have not had the same feeling. This rally has three very different days, with different characters.” 

Car 9, Lefebvre/Moreau
“I make a mistake on the first corner and lost three or four seconds. So after that, I was calm to finish the stage and take no risks. Now I hope to make a good Power Stage. I made one mistake on the second stage of the rally and it was difficult to get the rhythm back again. Nothing to fight for, for us. I hoped for better on this rally but it didn't happen.” 

Car 10, Latvala/Antilla
“[MA] The stage was OK – a couple of very small mistakes and maybe lost a couple of seconds. We are ready for the Power Stage and we will try to take the points but nothing crazy - we need to keep the championship in mind.” 

Car 11, Hanninen/Lindstrom
“[KL] It has been an OK rally. We had some technical issues on Saturday but you want to aim higher than we are now.” 

Car 12, Lappi/Ferm
“The stage was OK. The first 1.5Km are pretty flat and there is one corner that turns a bit more and I am bot brave enough to go flat. It is still slippery but you need to do a bit more sideways. It has been a positive rally – to be at this speed is good but it is even harder to get the last bit of time. You need a perfect stage to get a good time and them repeat it 18 times in the weekend.” 

Car 14, Ostberg/Floene
“The stage was Ok – I was taking it steady and making sure everything was Ok for the final stage. We like jumps but if we can’t win the stage, we will try to jump the furthest. The rally has been good – a lot of positive things. We lost the game with a puncture so the rally was over but we tried to do different things. It was a learning weekend.” 

Car 15, Al Qassimi/Patterson
“[CP] Today is OK – the stages are in beautiful condition. It’s been a long weekend and we’re just learning the car. But we’re really enjoying it. We have very good engineering support. All the settings are recorded for the future and we inform the engineers. It all works very well. It has been a learning curve. This year has been a lot of learning for us. T is a pleasure to drive and a pleasure to be involved with the team.” 

Car 21, Prokop/Tománek
“I am happy – It looks like we will change the tyres around. The first stage was nice but the next two were twisty, slippery, everything. Fun to drive but you have to be careful of mistakes. There are a lot of ditches, rocks and so on. Proper stages. It has been a nice weekend – I had a smile on my face and I enjoyed the driving. It is nice to be back I the WRC.” 

Car 31, Mikkelsen/Synnevaag
“We have a very big gap so we are trying to have a go on the Power Stage. The jump is tricky – it is hard to get the perfect line. It is exciting…” 

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