ford 17C9853

Stage Flash - SS16 Fafe 1

21 maio 2017

Car 1, Ogier/Ingrassia
“I was happy with the stage. I think everyone is pushing. It is tricky to do it fast.” 

Car 2, Tanak/Jarveoja
“I have quite a clean stage – still slippery but OK.” 

Car 3, Evans/Barritt
“The stage is OK. The grip level wasn’t massive the first time through. The difference between this and last year is the speed – I was here in an R5 last year.” 

Car 5, Neuville/Gilsoul
“I don't think anyone can chase Ogier with a 16 second gap. I pushed but mainly to et a clean run and check my notes for the Power Stage.”

Car 6, Sordo/Marti
“I slide a lot on the stage – I am not pushing now – I drive very slow. To prepare for the next one. I will try to keep third position but the car is sliding and is herd to keep I the line – I can't drive very fast.” 

Car 8, Breen/Martin
“It’s my first time in there, compared with the others. I struggled with the car – not a good feeling but we got there. It’s an incredible atmosphere but I still didn’t enjoy it.” 

Car 9, Lefebvre/Moreau
“The settings on the car a re better but not perfect.” 

Car 10, Latvala/Antilla
“There is so much dust in the car an we had a little touch on the tarmac section. We were discussing we had a spare tyre in case we had a puncture but I think it is OK. We need to push a bit. I am feeling much better today than yesterday.” 

Car 11, Hanninen/Lindstrom
“We tried something with the car to see and get information. No problem.” 

Car 12, Lappi/Ferm
“It was OK – we are trying to find the feeling again. It was pretty slippery so I guess the grip will change a lot for the Power Stage. I am trying to get used to that. It is good experience for the future. At least I was not first on the road.” 

Car 14, Ostberg/Floene
“The jump was not so bad but painful enough. We are on full soft today, so the tyres are equal. I did not have a good feeling in there. We thing we find something and then, we go out the next morning and we are lost.” 

Car 15, Al Qassimi/Patterson
“We had a completely different set up today. We used new diff maps but for the first four or five corners I was completely of the road so I went back to what I know.” 

Car 21, Prokop/Tománek
“We can enjoy it because we are sliding a lot – a lot of drifting. We should spend every Sunday morning like this!” 

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