IMG 8580

Service Flash E

20 maio 2017

Car 1, Ogier/Ingrassia
“I am really happy. Since the beginning of the rally I am happy with the car. The feeling is much better than in Argentina – at least the speed is better. The feeling in Argentina was OK. There is a long loop this afternoon with high temperatures, so high tyre wear again. It's nice to have this gap but I was enjoying the fight with Ott. But that is the game sometimes. But at least he is still in the game. We know this afternoon will be warmer so it gives an indication but not a sure answer.” 

Car 4, Paddon/Marshall
“The other guys were in the same position yesterday. But then was a bit damp and today it is dry. It's one of the worse positions to be in. But the car feels good. It’s not so much the gravel but the layers of sand, which clean with every car. It is hard to get lateral grip but it should be better this afternoon. We could have been fighting for the win at the moment but there’s no point in thinking about that. ” 

Car 5, Neuville/Gilsoul
“Our performance was great this morning. We did our best and were the fastest Hyundai on all three but we can't follow the Fords. They are going faster than us. I took it a bit more smooth on the last stage to not over-drive the car. The gap is big but it is not the biggest issue. We need to find some better settings to at least set the same pace.” 

Car 6, Sordo/Marti
“It was difficult his morning. It was slippery in some places so the car moved a lot from the rear. Sebastien had a better road position from yesterday and he was very fast. Ott was also going very well. We will try to do something with the car to get more traction because the rear moved a lot and we lost traction from the corners. We need to change something. It is not clear what we can do, as we don't know why we have no traction. But the Fords have more traction in the exit of the corner so we will try to look.” 

Car 7, Meeke/Nagle
“[PN] It’s testing mode. We're on a different set up this morning and driving through, bringing data back for the team. The times aren’t there and the last stage, he said he hadn’t driven so bad in his life. Yesterday, we started the last stage of the loop with hard tyres on. Under braking for a bridge, it touched so we stopped at the next one to change but it became clear we had damage to the suspension and could not carry on. We started very strong and we have been here before – don't worry, we’ll bounce back.” 

Car 8, Breen/Martin
“It’s been OK. I have to be realistic. It’s hard to land on a new stage with these guys. When you're trying to judge the speed from an on-board, it's hard. I’m happy – we're not a million miles form the podium, so we’ll see. For the tyres, I listen to the powers-that-be. I don't have as much experience as some. We saw yesterday that it was a mix and match for everyone – I don't think anyone had the perfect choice.” 

Car 9, Lefebvre/Moreau
“This morning was not easy for us. Yesterday, I broke two dampers so today I have some different ones. We are trying different things. I am playing with the diff mapping to get the grip but it is not working well. I think it is more the springs or the dampers. I don't know what the plan is for the afternoon. I will de-brief with the team and now, we are learning with the team.” 

Car 10, Latvala/Antilla
“[Mika Antilla] Before the first stage, he [Jari-Matti] was bad and the second one, he was very bad. Then the medicine started to work and he went well. I think now it is all going the right way. We have to remember safety first and that he is not feeling good, so slow down. All in all, we are not in the race and we dropped some places. All we can do is a bit of a test with the car and take it as a learning process for the whole team.” 

Car 12, Lappi/Ferm
“[JF] we have been waiting for this for a very long time, so we have to enjoy it. We are here to learn and I think we have done that. We are improving stage times in every stage. OK, we stalled today but its going well. I am keeping up [with the notes] so it is all good.” 

Car 14, Ostberg/Floene
“It was a difficult morning but OK. We had three decent stages. We tried some new things with the car, with the balance. Sometimes it goes the wrong way and this morning was one of those. I could not do anything so I concentrated on my driving. This morning you didn't have to think much about the tyres but this afternoon, I think it will be more difficult. It will be a big challenge to decide how many spares and how hard to push. ” 

Car 31, Mikkelsen/Synnevaag
“It has been good. We didn’t want to drop the pace from yesterday but automatically it does, as you are leading by a bit. It is very easy to hit a rock and make a mistake, so it has dropped a bit but not too much. Maybe I am starting to get too old for this!” 

Car 32, Tidemund/Andersson
“Perhaps I was saving the tyres but not on purpose. I got a good rhythm on the last one. We just need to keep pushing. It is good. It was nice to get the same time as Andreas but we need to stay focused and think about the championship a bit. It would be nice to be in front of Teemu but we must think about the championship. If we get second or third it is good. But second is better. ” 

Car 34, Suninen/Markkula
“The first two stages were good for me but he [Pontus] got me – we were struggling. There are some small things. Small things that we can improve – maybe by driving, maybe by making changes to the car. The long stage was rougher and now, I need to push more in the first two stages. I don't make big risks, as we need to finish this rally but I will take the risks I can to finish the rally.” 

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