IMG 6668_169

Stage Flash - SS10 Vieira do Minho 1

20 maio 2017

Car 1, Ogier/Ingrassia
“It’s going to be a long day, but it’s good to start well. I had clean run, a good stage. I’m happy with the car. This road position is a different world. I have to use it.” 

Car 2, Tanak/Molder
“It’s still a good feeling with the car. Let’s see what the next stages bring. We’ll do our best.” 

Car 3, Evans/Barritt
“It was a good run overall. There was a bit too much sliding in some places. Compromised a few secondary corners. We’ll just have to do the best we can and just let everyone else worry about themselves.” 

Car 4, Paddon/Marshall
“We did it clean. I enjoyed it a lot. The car is working really nicely. I’m happy. We changed the whole wiring loom, which is pretty impressive. So we shouldn’t have the problem any more.” 

Car 5, Neuville/Gilsoul
“I’m missing traction on this stage. The road was very polished. The next stages are difficult. I need to protect the car, so we’re running a stiffer spring. We’ll see what we can do.” 

Car 6, Sordo/Marti
“I pushed and did my best. It’s fast today. I think I lost some time because I thought I had a puncture at the rear. The car was sliding too much. I tried, but it’s difficult.” 

Car 7, Meeke/Nagle
“It was just steady. Just using it as a test session.” 

Car 8, Breen/Martin
“That stage was identical to last year. Only so much we can do, but when you fighting against the other driver’s knowledge it’s hard.” 

Car 9, Lefebvre/Moreau
“I had no traction. Just wheel spin all the time. It’s difficult to keep the speed. I tried to keep a good rhythm but it’s hard. I don’t think the tyres are working well.” 

Car 10, Latvala/Anttila
“I feel very weak. I have been fighting a fever, it’s getting worse at night. I haven’t been sleeping. But I try to keep going.” 

Car 11, Hanninen/Lindstrom
“Now it’s a really nice stage. I was too wide in some place, but it was mainly okay.” 

Car 12, Lappi/Ferm
“I want to try to catch up. I don’t know if it’s possible, but I tried. It was pretty slippery in places. I had some margins where I went ride. I know where the improvement needs to be on the limit. I want to be the best as soon as possible!"

Car 14, Ostberg/Floene
“It’s started okay. It felt quite good. We’ve made some big stages to the car. It’s not perfect, but at least we tried something.” 

Car 21, Prokop/Tománek
“It’s completely different to yesterday. No rocks, really nice to drive. I was trying to concentrate on driving and the position. I have to say I’m enjoying it, it’s really nice.” 

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