IMG 6377

Stage Flash - SS3 Caminha 1

19 maio 2017

Car 1, Ogier/Ingrassia
“This stage is much drier. I’m not so confident of a good time. For sure, it is very slippery for us. In the first one, I pushed hard and this one I tried as well but it is hard – the grip is lower. So far, I am happy with the car.” 

Car 3, Evans/Barritt
“Not bad but not perfect. Sometimes, we have massive grip but others, sliding around, There were some quick bits in there. Generally keeping the line and the balance – sometimes, there is understeer and sometimes, oversteer.” 

Car 4, Paddon/Marshall
“The car stopped around 2Km from the end – we lost all electrics and we had to do a reset and start again. We lost some time but we’re OK. It's not going so bad at the moment – still some things to work on but we're going in the right direction.” 

Car 5, Neuville/Gilsoul
“I am struggling a bit with the rear of the car. It is a bit more difficult to keep it in line. So not so committed in some places. Sometimes you have to go sideways. We have proper notes and are quite strong on these roads but now I struggle a bit with the rear.” 

Car 6, Sordo/Marti
“I tried to push harder but it is difficult to get the speed. We are trying. For me, it was good. Maybe there is too much sideways but good anyway.” 

Car 7, Meeke/Nagle
“Its all good in the car. The roads are rutted already and you have to drive differently. You have to commit to the rut instead of the line you want.” 

Car 8, Breen/Martin
“I’m on top of the world looking down. The car is awesome and the notes are working really well, it’s a nice place to be. We worked hard and have a car which is working awesomely. Thanks to the team. It is filling me with confidence.” 

Car 9, Lefebvre/Moreau
“On the first section, I lost the rear and hit the bank. I rolled but not too big damage. I hope I don't have two punctures – I only have one spare.”[Reported with two punctures] 

Car 10, Latvala/Anttila
“This should be good. I think the time is good. Generally, a good pace. The feeling is let's say – last night, I wasn’t sure if I could drive today. But there were good people around with medicine and the recovery started overnight. The feeling is not 100% - maybe 97%...” 

Car 11, Hanninen/Lindstrom
“The stage was really nice. The grip was changing a bit but generally, OK. The next one is quite demanding and we need a good rhythm.” 

Car 12, Lappi/Ferm
“It has been a good morning. No mistakes, just building the confidence. On the slow corners, it is Ok but on the fast ones, I feel I can go faster but I am not brave enough. I think in the afternoon, t will be survival so it is good to have a bit of a margin.” 

Car 14, Ostberg/Floene
“It was a difficult stage – very rough, rougher than I thought. Lefebvre had a huge one – I almost went off in the same place. It was a flat out corner – I ran wide and his car was already there. It was close.” 

Car 15, Al Qassimi/Patterson
“The first stage was very cautious to see which gear I needed in each corner. This stage was better but I stalled in the hairpin. I am gradually building the confidence to learn the car more.” 

Car 21, Prokop/Tománek
“It’s really OK. The feeling in the car is nice and we are enjoying the driving. I am surprised with the grip – maybe because I have not been in the car for a while. Nice stages. ” 

Car 23, Raoux/Escartefigue
“That stage was better than the one before. I know the car better, so better and better. I am building  my sped.” 

Car 31, Mikkelsen/Synnevaag
“It is so rough – I was very careful in this one. No risks, because there are so many rocks coming out when you are so far back on the road. Not exactly flat out but a good enough pace. You have to drive accordingly. You can't push in every situation. Maybe we can improve the car for the second loop – it's a bit too soft.” 

Car 32, Tidemund/Andersson
“It is OK. It feels quite good. A bit loose and a bit oversteering but we are here. They are flying behind but it is a long rally. Maybe we need to speed up later. But we need to focus on the championship.” 



Car 9, Lefebvre/Moreau
Stopped in stage and re-started with cracked windscreen. Possible roll

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